Saturday, May 14, 2016

        Writing after a long long time......I was thinking about one particular thing last night after watching a debate in a Bengali news channel about the chaos in Jadavpur University. I am a former student of JU and there is an allegation about me that I always support JU. But here I am not supporting JU but just making my viewpoint clear about why students are attracted towards so called 'left' politics. From the time of French Revolution in 1790s when for the first time the word 'left' was used, the word has seen many modification starting from Marx to Mao. But the essence of left wing politics, be it moderate socialism or extreme naxalism, has remained the same. The essence is to stand by the poor, to stand by the farmers and workers who are underprivileged. And this is a big truth in a third world country like India.

         Generally in JU students come from all over Bengal, specially from small towns and villages and they see a lot of new things in their new world, one of them is 'student politics'. Mainly a student will see three roads, in broad sense Socialism, Capitalism, Nationalism. Now for nationalism,I personally don't think that all those students who are opposing some particular groups in JU are anti nationals. India has been freed from British bondage almost 70 years ago. Now there is no scope to show our nationalism each and every day. Now regarding capitalism, college life is a life of romanticism. No one cares much about how much they earn or what they save and what they invest. We will all become capitalist when we will have our own family, when at night from office we have to bring medicine for our ailing parents and babyfood for our newborns. Now what remains is Socialism.
          During these turbulent years, when we are changing ourselves from children to citizens, socialism easily attracts us. Because it is a truth in our country that there is a big difference of income level, of living standards of people in our country. We can easily relate ourselves with this. Whenever a person is supporting a socialist agenda that doesn't mean that he or she doesn't love his or her country. It is only, for the time being, that person has found something which according to him or her is much more closer to their heart.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


          Where I live in kolkata with my friends,there is a big tree beside our flat.That tree is the home of many beautiful birds.Though it does not grow any flower or fruit,still it is always very good to see something green and fresh before our eyes.A few days ago,people belonged to that particular place,which has the tree,moved with all their belongings,and from the next day,some workers started breaking the house,don't know for what reason,may be to built another bigger building.
            Today,after woking up from sleep,I found that they have cut down that tree!! Though a lot of light is coming in our room,but I am not feeling good.I am missing the tossing of its leaves in the time of northwester,the shadow of it in the scorching heat.
            As a layman,I dont know about the rules,but one thing I definitely know that cutting such a big tree is always wrong.Unfortunately,like many other people I also don't have that much courage to complain about that and for the first time I am feeling ashamed for not having that courage. I only have this blog where I can share my thoughts.I dont know how this is going to help that poor tree,but one thing I definitely know that kolkata is becoming poorer day by day.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

          Sometimes I find it very difficult to satisfy people.I do many many things for them.I am a very democratic person,always try to take the opinion of each and every people.But in practical sense it is not always really possible.I don't know why I am writing this.But to me,this is the best way to curb my anger.People will find this one blog a silly one,but if this silly thing help me to sleep well at night,then I will prefer to be a silly person through out my life.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Arvind & AAP-Meshiha of common man

When I started writing blogs on a hot and humid april day,3 years ago,a storm named Anna Hazare was all over India.But now,when i am writing this blog,Arvind Kejriwal,the man who brought Anna to limelight,is the chief minister of NCR-Delhi.The massive win of Aam Aadmi Party,the political outfit of India Against Corruption movement,which was launched only on nov,2012 came as a big surprise to many people.Earlier,only N T Ramarao had shown something as big as this,when he launched the Telegu Desham Party in 1982 and swept the next year Andhra Pradesh assembly election.AAP went to poll with one simple promise,a corruption free government.And the voters of delhi,who were annoyed with the corruption,voted for Arvind Kejriwal and his new party.But people also have great expectations from this new party. Kejriwal & co. has already got a hint of this massive expectation,when their janta durbar was called off because of huge turnout of people.Sometime it is easy to be first,but it is tough to remain on that position.AAP's win in Delhi has changed the political scenario of this country.Now the whole country is watching closely what they can deliver as adminstrator.So,the ball in now in AAP's court.They have to live up to the expectation of people.

Friday, April 15, 2011

a country and it's fight against corruption

A for apple, b for bat, c for corruption!!! Unfortunately, this word is not just a part of dictionary,it is a part of our daily life also. Recently, anna hazare, a noted social worker staged a hunger strike protesting against the lokpal bill. The whole country stood beside him. Government finally accepted anna's proposal of jan lokpal bill. Everyone knows all this things and there is nothing wrong in it. But anna and his followers are now saying that in each governmental decision common man should take a major part and common man will take the final call. I have a little problem with this.
India is a democratic country and democracy means"for the people,by the people,with the people".But that doesn't mean that we have to take the decisions.There is a system in democracy . We elect a government by voting in both centre and states and they take care of all things including our well beings.But if we try to take the decisions by ourselves then the whole system will collapse. There will surely be differences of opinion. Secondly,the urban people only will be a part of it. But the huge number of rural people,without any proper idea of what is going on,will merely be mute spectators.If we really want to nail those corrupt lawmakers of our country,then we should come out in support of an 'abstain' button in the evm's to express that i don't like any one of the candidates. We should vote in each election to ensure good governance. There should be a law preventing candidates without having minimum educational qualification from contesting poles. I definitely have a power to protest against anything wrong,but that doesn't mean that i have the power to take the final call.If we try to do this,then this will lead us to anarchy,not democracy.

Friday, April 8, 2011

celebration of democracy

West bengal is on the bank of election and it will last for almost one month.This year i have got my voter card. I am a citizen of india now, officialy. Isn't it thrilling? I will cast my vote this year and it's my appeal to all of you to cast your vote, not only in bengal,but in all the five states of india those are going to pole. I am not joking, after all,it's our right. I am  happy that i am a citizen of the biggest democratic country of the world,where i can express my own views, i can elect my own government.I know that we are not happy with our governments,both in centre and in states. But it is our duty to compel them to do some work.If we don't go to vote then we can never expect a good governance. Because only we can change it. Now time has come. if you really want a good governance,then you must vote. Go, india go.Let's celebrate the festival of democracy all together.