Saturday, May 10, 2014


          Where I live in kolkata with my friends,there is a big tree beside our flat.That tree is the home of many beautiful birds.Though it does not grow any flower or fruit,still it is always very good to see something green and fresh before our eyes.A few days ago,people belonged to that particular place,which has the tree,moved with all their belongings,and from the next day,some workers started breaking the house,don't know for what reason,may be to built another bigger building.
            Today,after woking up from sleep,I found that they have cut down that tree!! Though a lot of light is coming in our room,but I am not feeling good.I am missing the tossing of its leaves in the time of northwester,the shadow of it in the scorching heat.
            As a layman,I dont know about the rules,but one thing I definitely know that cutting such a big tree is always wrong.Unfortunately,like many other people I also don't have that much courage to complain about that and for the first time I am feeling ashamed for not having that courage. I only have this blog where I can share my thoughts.I dont know how this is going to help that poor tree,but one thing I definitely know that kolkata is becoming poorer day by day.

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