Friday, April 8, 2011

celebration of democracy

West bengal is on the bank of election and it will last for almost one month.This year i have got my voter card. I am a citizen of india now, officialy. Isn't it thrilling? I will cast my vote this year and it's my appeal to all of you to cast your vote, not only in bengal,but in all the five states of india those are going to pole. I am not joking, after all,it's our right. I am  happy that i am a citizen of the biggest democratic country of the world,where i can express my own views, i can elect my own government.I know that we are not happy with our governments,both in centre and in states. But it is our duty to compel them to do some work.If we don't go to vote then we can never expect a good governance. Because only we can change it. Now time has come. if you really want a good governance,then you must vote. Go, india go.Let's celebrate the festival of democracy all together.

1 comment:

  1. First of all,congrats for penning down such a beautiful and heartfelt article.The title's pretty interesting"Celebration of Democracy".But 've 'nt the politicians turned it into Celebration of Greed with them being ready to stoop down to any levels for pleasing their coalition partners?Should'nt the aam admi thus boycott these elections?
